The most common question that people ask is, “Will colloidal silver make me blue?” While the truth is that it probably won’t turn you blue, you should know how it works. The answer is not that it will turn you green or even brown. In fact, the metal turns you a very strange color. In this article, we’ll take a look at how colloidal sliver affects your skin.
Colloidal silver is the same metal used in black-and-white photographs. It goes through the same process when it’s used in dental fillings, jewelry, and silverware. The problem is that some products made from colloidal sliver can cause your skin to turn blue. While laboratory tests have shown that the silver content of distilled water is not toxic to your body, the presence of colloidal sliver in the water can cause an allergic reaction or even a stroke.
In 1859, an article was published in the Cincinnati Lancet and Observer that claimed that colloidal silver causes a blue color in the skin. A columnist for The Washington Post, Blaine Harden, described the symptoms in detail. But he was skeptical about the effects of colloidal sliver on the skin. So he wrote his own article and urged others to try it. However, he did not report any effects from it.
If you are looking for a natural way to make colloidal sliver turn blue, you should consult with your physician. The silver in your body can turn you blue if you’re exposed to it in excess. In extreme cases, the silver in colloidal sliver can cause argyrosis. This condition is extremely dangerous and should not be taken without consulting a doctor. The best thing to do is to get an expert’s advice.
Although colloidal sliver has numerous benefits, it’s still not a proven treatment for any disease. The NIH warns that overusing colloidal sliver can turn you blue. The problem with this method is that it can cause you to develop an infection. When you use colloidal sliver on your skin, you should avoid contact with other people. They could be contaminated with ionic silver.
The most common reason why colloidal sliver turns blue is because you’re too sensitive to it. It’s not a disease; it’s simply a skin condition. In addition to treating strokes, colloidal sliver can be used as a daily skin care product. In a recent study, Paul Karason was cured after applying a salve containing silver to his face.
Some people who consume colloidal sliver may be concerned about the blue color it can cause. Sadly, a recent case of this dermatitis has prompted a flurry of questions regarding the safety of the product. While colloidal sliver can make you blue, it should not be used on a regular basis to treat any medical condition. It can, however, be a helpful supplement to help you avoid complications.
If you are wondering if colloidal sliver can make you blue, the answer is yes. The substance can be an effective way to prevent strokes, treat strokes, and even treat other skin conditions. Nevertheless, it’s important to understand how colloidal silver works to prevent the common occurrence of argyria. It can cause serious side effects, but is very unlikely to harm you. One of the most common is argyria, a gray-blue discoloration of the skin.
If you are wondering if colloidal silver will make you turn blue, you should know that the condition is caused by an overdose of the silver compound. Fortunately, it is rare and can be treated with other remedies. In addition, there are a variety of benefits of using colloidal sliver, including preventing the onset of argyria. When you’re using it for skin whitening, you should make sure you follow the manufacturer’s instructions. The risk is not worth the inconvenience.
Fortunately, colloidal silver on the skin doesn’t cause serious side effects, but it can be hazardous to your health. In fact, it can lead to argyria, a rare, blue-gray skin condition. Thankfully, this condition is rare, but it is possible to avoid it. A doctor’s advice should be sought if you’re worried about the dangers of colloidal silver.