Paul Karason, a Self-Declared Colloidal Silver Man, is Now a Celebrity

colloidal silver man

Paul Karason, a Self-Declared Colloidal Silver Man, is Now a Celebrity

Paul Karason, a self-proclaimed colloidal silver man, is now a celebrity, thanks to his blue skin. He drank the colloidal silver daily for two to three months, and noticed that the itchiness was gone in only three days. He continued to drink the ten-ounce tumbler every day, just as he’d done before, justifying the quantity by saying that it wasn’t too strong. It is important to note that drinking the colloidal powder did not turn him blue, but applying it to his skin did.

Stan Jones, 57, first started drinking colloidal silver for a skin problem he was experiencing. But it didn’t take him long to notice a difference. A few years later, he noticed a grayish blue discoloration on his face. He feared the shortage of antibiotics in the United States and so began taking it daily. The effects of this solution are so remarkable that the man has been drinking it for 14 years.

The following video shows a follow-up broadcast from MSNBC featuring Paul Karason, a self-proclaimed “Colloidal Silver Blue Man”. This man took colloidal silver to help treat a skin condition he had for more than a decade. His interview with Matt Lauer, host of The Today Show on MSNBC, was very revealing, and it showed the importance of finding a reliable source. If you want to learn more about colloidal silver, it’s important to know what sources to trust.

The 57-year-old man started turning blue about ten years ago, and he had tried many different treatments. It was only a few years before he began drinking colloidal silver, but now he is a true believer. It is not a miracle product – in fact, the benefits of this substance are enormous. You should not miss out on this opportunity to start living a healthier life!

Some of the facts about colloidal silver are inconclusive, and some information is just plain wrong. Moreover, the mainstream media often repeats information from other sources, and leaves out important facts. Therefore, you should not rely on mainstream media for your research. The best way to find out more about colloidal silver is to visit its official website and learn about the benefits it can have on your health. It is a good way to find out about the benefits of this supplement.

The benefits of colloidal silver are still unknown. Although it has the potential to cure many ailments, it is important to be cautious of the side effects. One study found that the silver in colloidal silver may cause temporary discoloration of the skin. This is why the FDA banned it from over-the-counter drugs. In addition, argyria is a cosmetic problem that isn’t considered a health problem. However, this saga should serve as a cautionary tale for those who are considering using it.

During the 19th century, colloidal silver was used as a treatment for anaemia. The article was written by Blaine Harden, a Washington Post columnist, and Joseph Angier, a former doctor, said that he had tried colloidal silver for fourteen years and saw no side effects. There is no scientific evidence to support this claim, however, and the claims made by the colloidal-silver man are still controversial.

In addition to the alleged health benefits of colloidal silver, many people fear that the colloidal silver man’s symptoms could lead to a severe medical condition. It is not known if the silver has any effect on the liver, but it is believed to have no harmful effects. There are a number of side effects associated with colloidal-silver exposure, but the risks are not very high. The best way to decide is whether the colloidal-silver supplement is right for you is by conducting a research study on its side effects.

The benefits of colloidal silver are numerous, but what are the risks? The main risk of the substance is the discoloration of skin. The CDC notes that it is unlikely to cause any serious health effects. Despite its safety benefits, the risk of skin discoloration is a concern. In fact, the only real harm associated with the silver is the possibility of a skin infection. The CDC considers it a cosmetic problem.