Colloidal Silver Soap Recipe

Why not learn how to make your own colloidal silver soap when you can actually get the colloidal silver soap recipe with just pennies. A single bar of colloidal silver soap can cost up to 20-125 dollars per bar.

Colloidal silver has a lot of benefits and uses, apart from soap making it can also be used when mixed with aloe vera gel, antibacterial throat spray, and also as an antibacterial gel.


No matter how exorbitant this colloidal silver soap can be, you can easily make yourself a good colloidal silver soap with our guidelines and recipes if you are the creative type. You can make your own type of colloidal gel, disinfectant, and soap with just pennies.

If you are looking forward to using colloidal silver as a drug or treatment for a sore throat or eye pain, it must be prescribed by your physician or doctor as it has a silver particle coated for antimicrobial present inside. Colloidal silver users should also note that the application is for protection from infections.

When colloidal silver is naturally combined with antimicrobial, antifungal properties and also with some good cleaning and moisturizing soap, it will definitely serve as an oil control agent to gives it users a super result and a glowing skin.

Colloidal silver is said to be a solution that contains pure water or distilled water and colloids, it also includes some small nano-particles of silver which is suspended in the water.

Colloidal is a liquid solution that is used as an antibacterial agent, it can also be used as a purifying agent for water and also in bandages for wound dressings. You have to invest in your health and maintain glowing skin, colloidal silver long lathering bar soap is a powerful and non-toxic soap, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic properties.

Colloidal silver is made of 99.99 percent pure silver which is used as the foundation or base of the skin-soothing olive, coconut, and palm oils. It moisturizes when you thoroughly used it as a cleansing agent.

The colloidal silver soap can be used for chronic skin disorders such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis to cure and protect the skin. The soap is a great choice and the best skin care treatment recommended by hospitals or those with a compromised immune system. It is an effective and gentle antibacterial cleanser, it is used to remove makeup, clean dirt, and grime.

Colloidal Silver Soap Recipe

This unique soap contains natural oils that are combined with colloidal silver and lemon juice. It also contains olive oil, coconut oil, and sunflower oil that will prevent a blend of anti-oxidants, antifungal, and anti-bacterial properties to aid in a variety of skin conditions.

Colloidal Silver Soap Recipe

This unique soap contains natural oils that are combined with colloidal silver and lemon juice. It also contains olive oil, coconut oil, and sunflower oil that will prevent a blend of anti-oxidants, antifungal, and anti-bacterial properties to aid in a variety of skin conditions.

  • sodium cocoate (coconut oil)
  • sodium palmate (palm oil)
  • Argentum metallicum (Colloidal silver)
  • Mash mellow
  • Team tea oil
  • 2 ounces fat
  1. Measure out your colloidal silver by measuring up to 8 ounces.

  2. Add your lye. Make sure you wear an eye protector and glove so as to protect from the fume or gas that may be coming out from the mixture.

  3. While mixing your lye and the silver, the temperature rises to 105 degrees. Ensure that the solution cools down

  4. Pour your 2 ounces fat and keep stirring until it turns to your desired consistency.

  5. Set your hand blender in the mixture (this process may take up to 3-5 minutes).

  6. Add your mash mellow and tea tree oil and blend it again.

  7. Allow the combination sit for some minute so that it can cool down.

  8. Turn the already prepared mixture into the soap pan.


It is a great cleansing soap for removing makeup, it will leave your skin feeling soft and supple, and also keep more moisture in your skin. Suitable for washing hair, make it feel soft and shiny. The lemon juice is rich in vitamin C and also contains antibacterial agents that can help heal all skin cell damage on a regular basis. 


The Benefit of Colloidal Silver Soap

There are a number of ways to use colloidal silver. When making soap, the colloidal Silver solution is used as the water component. It turns bright silver when the lye is applied to the silver solution, then dark gray before being fully clear. The silver is left behind in a body-usable shape. If you wash with colloidal silver soap, it destroys and extracts 99.99 percent of bacteria.

In addition to soap making, colloidal silver can be beneficially used in the following ways:

  • An antibacterial gel using colloidal silver and aloe vera gel.
  • Antibacterial bandages for dressing wounds
  • Antibacterial throat spray. 
  • To support a healthy immune system.
  • Sprayed on sunburn to help speed healing
  • As a tonic or infection fighter (the liquid form can be used as a spray for wounds).

Is Colloidal Silver Soap Safe?

Not all colloidal silver soap is safe, some colloidal silver product is made from silver nitrate, silver chloride and more which can cause dizziness, headache, and nausea. Some silver cause s some related diseases and harmful to the skin. The related disease caused by silver made from nitrate are;

Some silver is entirely harmless and it is highly recommended for use. Within recommended limits, silver is entirely harmless and can be used. However, Argyria has raised eyebrows, which is a condition in which the skin gets a bluish tinge after consumption.

Colloidal silver production with impure silver, impure water, defective equipment, or when produced in large sizes can result in its growth. It causes methemoglobinemia in extreme extents, a condition in which a blue color is noticed on the skin and lips, and argyria, a discoloration of the eyes, skin, inner nose, mouth, throat, and organs of the inner body.

The deposition of large silver particles under the skin leaves no space for perforation because they are trapped in the tiny pores of the skin. The gums, ears, hair, nails, and deeper layers of tissue get hurt. This causes mild headaches, tiredness, and myoclonic seizures.

Harmful Types of Silver

Shun off the following silver types: silver nitrate, silver nitrate, silver chloride, and mild silver protein. To check the eligibility of the colloidal silver, you need to check the bottle very well. Appears foam and if it dissolves after a bit, it may be ok. The soap can only contain proteins if the foam lasts, meaning that it should not be used for a while.

Silver nitrate exposure may cause dizziness, headache, nausea, and vomiting. It cuts the supply of oxygen in the respiratory system which causes discomfort. Inhalation of the silver material induces inflammation of the upper and lower airways. After inhaling silver dust and fumes, the alveoli and bronchial tissue can become silver stains.

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